Likes / Dislikes poll

Ok... so there weren't as many votes as I initially expected... but nevertheless, here's the results...


The origin of Eternia
67% - Like
25% - Indifferent
8% - Dislike

Ok... seems like I have been decently successful in recreating the world... :)

Etheria as a world of demons
42% -
33% - Indifferent
25% - Dislike

Probably... the She-Ra fans made the difference in this one... Sorry, fellas!

Hordak as a demon
67% -
25% - Indifferent
8% - Dislike

Once again, I think this change was quite well-received! :)

The legend of king Hiss
75% -
17% - Indifferent
8% - Dislike

This particular one wasn't exactly a change, as it was only a detailed revamp of the original, but hey, people love it as it was, just as I do!

The dismiss of technology
67% -
25% - Indifferent
8% - Dislike

I would think the polemic would start here, so THIS was a surprise! Of course, there has been (unfortunately) very, very few people voting, so this is but a small sample of the opinions, but hey...

The "Swords & Sorcery" environment
92% -
8% - Indifferent
0% - Dislike

This has nothing to do with the LOTR fever going on, right?

The origin of the power swords
92% -
8% - Indifferent
0% - Dislike

This result made me truly happy - for this was a full remake for "Grayskull" - With all the originality allowed in fan-fic, I guess.

Eternia's red sky
50% -
25% - Indifferent
25% - Dislike

Still not a bad result, me thinks. Curiously, this idea was taken from the background paintings of the first mini-comics! :)

The royal accord
58% -
33% - Indifferent
8% - Dislike

Ok, may not be a favorite, but I guess it was approved.

Randor as a weak king
58% -
8% - Indifferent
33% -Dislike

Second polemic one... cool to know there's people out there understanding my idea on this one! :)

Randor's new visual
42% -
42% - Indifferent
17% - Dislike

Our first tie, ladies and gents... gratefully, it's on one of lower importance. Gotta grab the pencils on this one again!

Queen Marlena not an astronaut from Earth
58% -
17% - Indifferent
25% - Dislike

I wouldn't think this one would be as well accepted as well. Cool!

The dismiss of Adam's magical transformation
58% -
17% - Indifferent
25% - Dislike

Probably the most polemic of all - This one makes me conclude--- People who answered this probably followed the novel... People who followed the novel are liking it somehow, changes included... This opinions certainly don't reflect the He-Fandom, but hey, it was my goal - to reach the ones who would like to see a different possiblity!

Adam as an outcast prince
42% -
25% - Indifferent
33% - Dislike

The drama of it was not so well accepted as other changes... Perhaps people don't expect drama out of He-Man.

The dismiss of She-Ra
33% - Like
42% - Indifferent
25% - Dislike

I was almost sure this would be greatly disliked by die-hard fans...The results are quite encouraging, in fact...

Krygar in gold and black instead of green and yellow
0% - Like
17% - Indifferent
83% - Dislike

Hey, I know! I know! You're right!!! There are icons not meant to be touched!!! I'm sorry! But this one has been amended long ago - check the second editorial and the 12/08/2001 update! Uff!

The dismiss of Cringer
25% - Like
42% - Indifferent
33% - Dislike

I did not think people would miss the silly coward cat all that much...

Teela not being captain of the royal guard
17% - Like
58% - Indifferent
25% - Dislike

What bothers me here is not that there's more people disliking than liking it... There's so much more of Teela coming on, perhaps it will make sense later on. What truly bothers me, is the amount of people that simply could care less about my lovely lady's occupation! Sniff!

Zodac as captain of the guard instead of a cosmic entity
25% - Like
42% - Indifferent
33% - Dislike

This one is not a favorite, but I can explain - There was no room for the traditional Zodac in my vision of MotU - So I had this choice - drop a character I visually enjoyed, or find him a totally new, totally different role. I chose the second, and up to this day I do not regret my choice.

Orko as a secondary character
67% -
17% - Indifferent
17% - Dislike

This one was a shock! You guys mean you like Cringer but you don't like Orko??? Well, actually Orko will not become a major character, but will have a larger role in the second half of the novel! I can't believe everyone treats the poor lil' fellow so...

Stratos' amnesia
42% -
33% - Indifferent
25% - Dislike

So far, this has been but a small detail, so I don't have much to say on this result...

Evil-Lyn as a femme fatale
83% -
8% - Indifferent
8% - Dislike

I knew it! Bunch of perverts, that's what you all are! LOL! (Great! It worked!)

The introduction of orcs
67% -
8% - Indifferent
25% - Dislike

Thank you, J.R.R.T.

The sorceress' new visual
92% -
8% - Indifferent
0% - Dislike

I wrote this before - I loved this particular one. Truly glad you enjoyed it too! :)

The dismiss of the widgets
67% -
25% - Indifferent
8% - Dislike

You liked THIS change, did you? Hehehehehe... I can be so mean sometimes...

As for the dismissed characters you would include, here are your choices...

1 - Faker
2 - Sy-Klone
3 - Buzz-Off
6 - Man-E-Faces

OK... I had plans for Faker for some time now (which are at the works - works that follow the pitiable slow rhythm I've been managing to give this website lately...), so this one is a promise. The other guys, I will definitively think about them. Even if they don't make it to the novel, I plan on making short stories that happened along the course of the major story, when I finally finish it, so these guys (and others) may always pop along!

Thanks to all the readers who took the time to answer this poll.