Don't know if I can
actually call this one an update, but it's a shot. Chapter 20's still in its
very slow work - I gotta admit - I'm in the midst of personal warfare and
creativity blackout, so please be a little patient with me - It's always painful
when you find out more than seven years of your life were invested in vain...
But hey, I finally closed the General form and Likes poll, so here's
the results!
Whoooa!!! This has
been a while! Sorry for the delay in updates, but I had a lot of personal stuff
to deal with lately which left me almost no spare time to concern with He-Man
and specially truly focusing on writing my story. But hey, here's an update!
There are some new drawings and profiles under the characters section, a new
editorial, a whole new section - non-MotU art,
including the first of three comics of my unfinished fanzine series made about
five years ago, fixed a color problem with Panthor's eyes on chapters IV and IX
(thanks cjclifford) and of course, a new chapter!
Oh, yes, and once more, a new e-mail as well -
- since Yahoo! discontinued its POP3 service. Once again, sorry for the
delay, and see you (as) soon (as possible)! ;-)
Hi to all! Chapter
eighteen, "The Armies Of Destruction", is online now! I've also
noticed that the link to chapter 17 was missing in the index. You could still
reach the chapter through the end link on chapter 16, but anyway, I missed that
one! ;-) So sorry! All is fixed up now, anyway! ;-)
I will add chapter 19 ASAP, and then my friends, it's editing time! Yep, I've
persuaded a friend and will try to convince one more person into helping me to
review, edit, add, and improve all the chapters that have been written so far! I
will have more info on this matter as soon as there's some actual work done! See
ya soon! :-)
Whoa! Three months
without a single update! I'm lacking time and inspiration lately, but I'm not
quitting! ;) Chapter seventeen is up, there's new stuff on MotU
Universe, check it out, and there's a new drawing of He-Man under the "more art" feature
on the He-Man character. More news as soon as possible!
Chapter sixteen,
"Lady Of Winter", is available. Also settled my new official
(POP3! yes!) e-mail:
Just fixed a couple
of bugs in hyperlinks and changed my e-mail addy once more. I wasn't getting any
mail at altavista. So here it goes:
Don't know if I'll keep using this address, but I'll send a word if its changed
Not much for now,
just the sketches on the header of chapters 8, 13, 14 and 15. Oh, yes, and
there's the new Frosta, too. The character page is not complete yet, but I loved
this one SO MUCH that I just had to include it right away! To see Frosta's
preview, click here.
New chapter
on-line... "The Dragon's Gift", based on both the cartoon show and
mini-comic... That's right, enter: Granamyr!
The news on the world of MotU are
great, as we all know, and the return of the "true series" made me
think if it was still worth writing this novel... As you might know, this isn't
quite an orthodox version of MotU, and my novel can't compete with the
"real" one... So the question was: "Will there still be anyone
interested in reading this now, after the comeback?" - And the answer I got
to is: "Hell, whatever! I'm writing this for fun, for having the MotU tale
my way... so, there's no difference if I get 1 or 1000 readers... I'll write it
to the end!" And yes, the site's been quite static lately, I know, but not
forgotten. I have been, and am recovering from, a very bad period of my life,
and it lead to a creative blackout... but "Grayskull" was not cast
aside. I simply did not want to force myself to write against my will. I
wouldn't enjoy the results. Oh, well, about the news... Following a given advice
for the novel's improvement, the prelude was removed and replaced by a short
introduction. There is one new chapter on-line, and four new characters drawn:
Trap-Jaw, Clawful, Webstor and Krygar, who, by the way, was turned back to
green. The TV series section has
become an editorial and there is a new article on MotU Universe concerning the
return of the series in spring 2002. And now, MotU Rebirth can also be accessed
through, which is
easier to remind!
New chapter, "The Fortress Of
Mystery And Power", on-line. No more new stuff for now.
At last!!! It took a
lot of time and work, but I've finally managed to update and reform the site as
promised. New visitors, welcome! For those to whom this is not the first time on
MotU Rebirth, you've already noticed some of the changes, of course... First,
I've changed the site's address (GeoCities SUCKS! Hope I won't have the same
troubles with AngelFire...), and you may see the main page is also different...
But there's more: Two new chapters on-line; twenty character drawings in full
color, including descriptions; a new editorial (He-Man and the Barbies); a new
section - MotU Universe - where readers' feedback and general news concerning
MotU will be placed; a poll; a mailing list; and the opinion form is finally
ready and working... Hope you enjoy! Spread the word about MotU rebirth... and
let the Power return!!!
Chapter Ten "The
Obelisk" on-line.
New Chapters On-Line!!! Chapters Six to Nine are available, check them
out. I've also decided to include the picture of Evil-Lyn before the site is
reformed, just to give away a glimpse of what's to come... And there is also a
new editorial about Battlecat. Please read it and send me your word. Reader's
feedback is very important to the course of the story... See you in 2001!
Sorry for the delay in updates! Chapter Five "Destination Day"
is on-line. I will not include the sketches of Evil-Lyn and Stratos so soon,
sorry... The art section will only be updated in a few months. However, there
are lots of drawings from other characters already made. Wait for big surprises
in the beginning of 2001!!!
Chapter Four "The Undead Demon" available; My E-mail address,
which had some sort of trouble, is working OK at Altavista now (the new mail is;
I already have sketches for Evil-Lyn and Stratos, which will be digitized and
published as soon as possible.
Chapters Two and Three available; There have also been some corrections
to the typing of the Prelude and Chapter One (I apologize for any other mistakes
that may show... remember English is not my first language, and my time to check
for errors is unfortunately short... But I would appreciate any E-mail
correcting any mistake of mine!)
The sketches are on-line; sorry for the delay! Chapters Two and Three
will be available as soon as possible (The story is already written up to
chapter Five, but they aren't typed yet, as I handwrite them first...)
Chapter One is already available; There is also a new page on
"Contents" - check it out!; The drawings of the "new" He-Man, Teela, Man-At-Arms, Skeletor and Beast-Man are just ready to be
digitized and sent on-line. Check for it really, really soon!
The prelude of the book was added to the site; You may find it at the
"book" page;